horror art series
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Here, in the horror art series section of Shock Depot, you will find horror art collections you may not even know exist. It’s a very niche topic, but, interestingly, old horror art series are beginning to become easier to find, and new ones continue to appear. This section will house horror collections lists, reviews, and articles of both professional and amateur horror art creators.

Also, you can submit to this section your own horror collection or an article about a third-party’s horror collection. Please read the two sections of this page below near the bottom for how to do that.

Contents of this page

Websites that Carry Horror Art Series

If you would like to contribute an article about your experience with another’s horror art collection, and you don’t know where to look for one to pick for the task, here is a list of good places to start looking:

What’s on this Section, Exactly?

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Each page on this section will inform you on horror collections that maybe aren’t that easy to find; if you do not know what you’re looking for. The best thing about some horror art collections is that they have open digital rights, and you can use the pictures and images any way you like.

In some generous cases, even in a commercial way. If you are a highly sensitive type of horror fan and just to go to the sites and browse the collections for the hell of it, if just thinking about this thrills you, then don’t waste any more time and become acquainted with some of the available horror art series that are available on the web as of right now.

Citizen Curatorship

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Through the process of sourcing media for horror content, one is bound to, sooner or later, arrive at a very different kind of horror content.

The seldom talked about different formats ofhorror art series. What I found were high-quality ones from libraries, traditional art galleries, offline and online art dealers, artists’ websites, NFTs, and media-sharing websites.

When I saw how they were assembled, I decided to create a section to write articles and lists about them because they generally are a breeze and a pleasure to go through, and on top of that, said collections are very generous with the rights they give you for reuse and remixing them in any ways you see fit. I wouldn’t say that my curating of horror items for reuse, and also just to see and engage the sharer, is pedestrian, but I’m yet to release something (like for example a handsomely curated YoutTube playlist, at least) as I’ve seen others do.

What I’ve seen, and continue seeing, should be called citizen curatorship, because some people share very pleasing horror art collections, correctly aggregated, but they use supernode sites like Flickr, meaning that the context may be cheap, but the content is highly valuable. I hope you aren’t about slighting a horror art series off because whoever kindly shared it did it on a commercial, social media, or similar website. And, as I said, even if you design a process to find and curate good horror art series and collections, it takes time, effort, and careful organization.

200 Years of Horror Have Something to Say

horror art vintage
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For me, it was much more exciting to find curated and semi-curated horror art series, due to an obsession with historical-grade horror. Things from eras when horror was kind of different; still gathering steam to become what it is now. I say because some of the collections were of old horror imagery, and I mean Victorian-era-old, and Regency-era-old type of horror. Around the time when the genre was officially being born.

Sometimes you can go to a page where all the items belonging to the horror art series in question are easily accessible, with streamlined aggregation and navigation features, that make it a pleasure to breeze through all the items in it.

One great example of what I’m saying in this paragraph, and what I said in the previous one is the Wellcome Collection, a free museum, and library that gives three types of licenses for reuse (PD, CC-BY and CC-BY-NC). They say that through the Wellcome Collection they “create opportunities for people to think deeply about the connections between science, medicine, life and art” in their about page.

There’s also the possibility of citizen-curated collections, and you surely will find many of them on conventional websites that for a reason or another may put you off and not be as exciting to browse as the ones on niche sites. Still, vintage horror art should be high in the list of priorities when hunting for horror assets. This, of course counting both reusable and non-reusable assets.

There may be a ton of reasons why you may want to visit virtual horror art collections with pieces that you can’t appropriate, like when you are looking for knowledge, inspiration, research material, or even just for the thrill of it. Curating horror art systematically (both the free to reuse art and the copyright-locked) has a big potential of paying off, but the truth is that, like everything of value, it takes time and effort.

Curate Away

vintage japanese horror art
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If you jealously value horror I propose you to get acquainted with most horror series in general, and with the reusable ones in particular. Especially if you craft and you think you may make use of any of the pieces of media that have reuse rights. Curating good, royalty-free photos, digital pieces or scans of horror art pieces to reuse in any way is a game of chance. But at the same time, nothing is left to chance.

It’s a race to find and use first any of the pieces.

Those with time in their hands, dedication, and organized ways of going through everything will likely find the best things first. If others find a great image to make theirs before you, you still can use it because of its rights, but you aren’t going to be the first one in doing so.

Maybe the average person using things that are practically in the public domain doesn’t care about others using the asset too. That’s why I used the word jealous, three paragraphs above. If you think you must in some way use one of those old resources for an important project, at least being the first to use it will give you some credibility, by alerting others that someone already did make use of the piece.

Another thing you can try is searching in not two or three search engines but many, for links to the page of the image or asset, and if you are lucky you may find those that used the item before. Depending on what you find you might decide or not to use the asset you were thinking about using.

Host Your Digital Horror Art Series / Collection Here!

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If you have a collection, assortment, or series of horror art that can be reproduced digitally, you’re invited to submit a request for it to be hosted here, for free, on Shock Depot.

If you want to host your horror art series or collection in this section of Shock Depot, please drop us a line in the contact form, and we will send you instructions on how to proceed.

Please consider this free offer, since you’ll get many benefits out of it. Some of the benefits are:

  • Free art series/collection hosting service (no payments involved)
  • Hosting your horror art series indefinitely: no time limit, as long as you want, you can keep it here
  • You get to choose the aggregation method of your art gallery: when you request the inclusion of your horror art collection on Shock Depot, we will send you screenshots with examples of the different types of aggregation we can provide you with. Meaning that you get to choose the type of website art gallery functionality you see fit for your collection

Submit Other Art Collection Content

Like in all the other sections of Shock Depot, you can submit articles, podcasts, other audio, video, or any other type of media reviewing or otherwise touching the subject of a horror art collection.

Horror Art Collection Submission Guidelines

  1. You don’t need a lot of preparation to submit your first piece of horror art series content for this section of Shock Depot
  2. Enrich your content by adding at least two links in your piece, like social media pages, your site, or links to related pages and sites
  3. Apply some easy, on-the-spot DRM (digital rights management) to your article, by adding a notice at the very bottom of it, written in this format: (c) 202? [your name] — [title of your article]
  4. After submitting wait for some days, don’t assume that because your article isn’t live yet, that it is not going to be published. We promise we will publish it within five business days of your submission date
  5. If your submission raised some red flags, you will receive a mail or an instant message here on the site telling you why we think your submission is not yet ready to be published

Some of The Horror Art Series Content

© Shock Depot 2021–2023 — Subcategory Page for Horror Art Series