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These kinds of sims on Second Life are similar to horror games, but at the same time much different. After visiting around half a dozen ghost trains and dark rides in Second Life, they’re starting to get scarce and difficult to find. But the sims I visited today, even if they were odd, they had the capacity to surprise me.

Type: Walk-In
Theme: A) Haunted House / B) Cursed Church
Duration: A) 3-7 minutes B) 5+ minutes
Location: Chilbo
Area: 752 m2
Lag Level: Low
My Horror Rating: Ride: 4/5, Zone: 2/5

The area is called Chilbo and it’s kind of developed. But nothing other than the two locations of this review was something worthy of recording, except maybe for the Apollo Cinema, which is about two minutes walk from the dark ride.

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It’s a little movie theater with a few cool stunts inside. Guess who was operating the box office?

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Other than the Apollo Cinema, I would not recommend wasting time around Chilbo and going directly to the rides. There’s nothing else of interest for horror fans in this region.

Haunted House

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It’s called Chilbo Manor, also haunted mansion, but it’s a misnomer. The abode is rather small, and I wouldn’t call it a mansion. To see everything that there’s to see takes from three to six minutes only.

The main stunt of this attraction is okay, but shouldn’t be hinted at from the landing zone for more shock value.

The stunt is hinted by means of audio, and that should be tweaked. As it’s configured now, the visitors, just listening as soon as they arrive, can foresee what the attic stunt is going to be.

Haunted Chapel

The chapel is kind of creepy. Still, the intended function of this sim is making the visitor interact with it. All the stunts of the chapel are experienced by sitting in one of the pews. Once one does that, a menu pops up.

The options on the menu are all kind of horror-related stunts. Most of them involve the visitor’s avatar.

One of the options of the menu did this to my ava:

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Still, the stunt didn’t end there, it prompted me to continue. When I saw the permissions I needed to grant the chapel’s script for it to continue, I just declined it.

To see my avatar decapitated was scary enough. I just didn’t want to risk it further. The permissions that the script asked for, as I see it, had the potential of totally funking up my avatar.

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This kind of thing happens. I will never forget when I was new in Second Life, one day I got some kind of malicious script in something that my avatar was wearing.

It was like a computer virus. What it did, was that when I least expected it, it totally deformed my avatar, at the shape level, making it look like it had TB, malnutrition or something.

Even if I reloaded the shape, minutes later, a new random deformation of it will occur. It was exasperating, I had to strip my avatar of everything and start wearing/attaching things one by one until I found the culprit.

What do You Prefer, Horror Games or Horror Sims?

For some people, horror games may prove too much, but metaverse horror simulators are a much more chillaxed way of enjoying horror interactive entertainmente without heavy time, energy and emotional investments. Some will cry casual, but I do not think these diversion deserve to be put in the casual vs hardcore dilemma.

What do you enjoy more laid-back entertainment like this, that does not force you to make great personal investments, or more involved interactive horror media like survival horror games?

© Bholenath Valsan 2021 — Second Life’s Chilbo Haunted House – Horror Games


I curate horror things for horror fans to discover them without hassle

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